2014年4月27日 星期日

DIY Card Making - Birthday Card 生日卡‧親手製 *慶祝的旗幟*


再造了一張生日卡,這次用了印章和Pattern Paper來營造少許效果。

Another Birthday card making! This time I have used the stamp and pattern paper to create some effects.

材料 Materials:

1x Blue Card Stock
3x Pattern Paper
1x Black Paper
1x Gold Card Stock
3x Toothpicks
1x White Gel Pen
1x Stamp
1x Watermark Stamp Pad
1x Star Punch
1x Corner Punch
Several Foam Stickers 

製造旗幟的方法 Flag making:

選取合適的Pattern Paper,剪出所要的大小,預留一點空間把牙簽黏上。待膠水乾透便成功造出一面可愛的小旗幟。
Choose the patterns that you want and cut the paper into the desirable size. Reserve some space to glue the toothpick. After the glue is dried, a cute little flag is done!

為單調的卡紙增添點趣味 Adding a touch to the plain background:

將所選印章蓋在Watermark Stamp Pad上,然後在卡紙上按照所需pattern蓋印,待watermark ink乾透,便會做出watermark的效果。
Place the chosen stamp on the Watermark Stamp Pad and stamp it over the card stock to create the pattern you want. Wait till the watermark ink to dry to create the patterned background.

製成品 Finalised Product: