2014年8月11日 星期一

香港尖沙咀食記 Dining in Tsim Sha Tsui - Delaney's Kowloon & Lab Made

所以,今晚和朋友一行三人,一起前往尖沙嘴一間Bar & Restaurant名叫Delaney’s Kowloon吃晚飯。

Friday night is always a happy night to hang out with friends!

Therefore, tonight my friends and I went to a bar & restaurant in Tsim Sha Tsui - Delaney's Kowloon.
Map of Delaney's Kowloon

Delaney's Kowloon是一間愛爾蘭酒吧,所以又怎少得喝酒(笑)?!我們叫了一杯Guinness Beer和一瓶Apple Cider。因是Happy Hour的關係,飲品餐牌上的飲品都是七折!
Delaney’s Kowloon is an Irish bar, so how can we miss drinking alcohol? We ordered a glass of Guinness Beer and a bottle of Apple Cider. As we were still within Happy Hours, all drinks on the drink menu got a 30% off discount.

飲品來的時候都忘了拍照……可是Apple Cider來錯了,變了Irish Cider,因此將錯就錯,心想嘗嘗另一種飲品也可就喝下了。可是,一喝下來便覺後悔……雖然已經加了冰,但還是有一股咳藥水的味道(吐),到後來,所有冰都融掉時,實在是喝不下去……(汗)
I forgot to take pictures when the drinks came… I found out that Irish Cider came instead of Apple Cider, but I thought, ‘why not grab the chance to try another drink?’. Right after I had the first sip, I totally regretted… It tastes like coughing medicine to me even with ice… So when all the ice melted later, I could not stand drinking it…

We three ordered 3 dishes: Fish & Chips, Cesar Salad and American Pizza.

The Cesar Salad was okay. We added chicken as the side. The meat was quite ok but the salad sauce didn’t taste like those in other restaurants, maybe because it was the Irish flavor (mystery). Personally, this is not my cup of tea, so I just ate the chicken with the veggies.

The American Pizza was the best among the three dishes. The square shaped pizza was very hot when served. But it contained more bread than toppings. The sauce of the pizza was quite nice and matched the pizza quite well.

The Fish & Chips looked very yum. We unwrapped the paper and saw the hot fried fish.

The highly anticipated Fish & Chips was very disappointing! The fish was big but the fried layer and the fish meat were separated… And the fried layer was not crispy at all… It is so different from those I randomly bought in Australia. The fries were placed under the fish and the supposedly crispy fries softened due to the heat of the fried fish, so the texture was also not good…

個人認為,餐廳環境挺寬敞,頗適合與朋友聊天。侍應的服務都不錯,但食物一般,不是太值那個價錢……還有一提,如果大家有儲Asia Miles (亞洲萬里通里數),記得付款時把你的Asia Miles會員卡一併給店員,這樣才可儲到!(不過,要金額過HKD300才可以儲。)

In my opinion, the restaurant is quite spacious which is suitable for friends to gather. The service is ok but the food is really so-so which isn’t quite worth the price. One more thing, if you have the membership of Asia Miles, remember to show your membership card to the waiter when you check the bill. In that way, you can earn the miles if you spend more than HKD300 in the restaurant.

晚飯後,大家決定另找甜品再吃!經過了幾間甜品店,只見滿滿的人群在外等候,所以我們都沒有等下去,結果行到美麗華旁的Lab Made吃分子雪糕。
After dinner, we decided to get some dessert. Passing a few dessert stores, we only found a large crowd waiting outside, so we went to Lab Made Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream Laboratory which is near MiraMar Tower to have nitrogen ice-cream.

Map of Lab Made

Lab Made會定時轉換雪糕口味,這次我們試了黑白豆腐花和流沙奶黃包兩種傳統香港點心/糖水味道。在場等候時,還可以看著店員即場製作。

Lab Made changes the flavor of the ice cream regularly, this time we tried black and white douhua (i.e. Douhua which is also called Tofu pudding is a Chinese snack made with layers of tofu.) and salted egg yolk custard bun. These 2 flavours are originated from the traditional Hong Kong dim sum/dessert. While we were waiting for the ice cream, we could see how the staff made the ice cream.



This one is salted egg yolk custard bun flavour. It looks like vanilla ice cream but when you lick it, you can taste the authentic salted egg custard bun flavor! It just feels like eating a frozen bun!


And this one is black and white douhua which black stands for black sesame soup and white stands for tofu pudding. The top scoop is the tofu pudding flavor. It tastes like tofu ice cream and made me feel so refreshing and healthy. There was even brown sugar sprinkled on top, just looked exactly the same as douhau. The lower scoop is black sesame soup flavor. Mixing with the douhua ice cream, you can enjoy a very special taste.